Weather Hippie

weather hippie

timely weather alerts

Weather Hippie is your trusty buddy that will give you reliable, real-time weather updates and alerts. Travel safe, stay protected and keep your loved ones secure under the watchful eye of Weather Hippie – plus he’s pretty cool to have around.

how do I use the Weather Hippie Bot on Slack?

Once you have the Slack app installed, you can request weather in any city and subscribe to alerts for a specific city and time through conversations with the Weather Hippie Bot.

how do I request the weather forecast?

Simply send a chat message to the bot, "weather in Seattle?"

how do I setup alerts?

Simply send a chat message to the bot, "turn on alerts for Seattle at 9am?". You will then receive forecasts for Seattle at 9am every morning. Also, the bot will send you severe weather alerts for Seattle as well.

how do I turn off alerts?

Simply send a chat message to the bot, "turn off alerts".

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